
Rapid visualization of fresh tissue microstructures

The Histolog™ Scanner

The Histolog™ Scanner is a confocal microscopy device intended for imaging the surface of excised human tissue specimens to visualize morphological microstructures. The Histolog Scanner is intended to be used in combination with the following accessory devices:

  • The Histolog Dish, a single-use protection preventing direct contact of the tissue specimen with the Histolog Scanner during imaging.

  • The Histolog Dip fluorescent histological stain.

The Histolog Scanner and its accessory devices are intended to be used in vitro for the examination of specimens. The Histolog Scanner is a medical device.

Histolog Scanner for intraoperative margin assessment

Visualize fresh tissue microstructures in no time.

The Histolog Scanner and its accessory devices are intended to be operated by trained healthcare professionals.


Integration into clinical routine

The Histolog Scanner is a plug-and-play device that can sit in both the operating theater or pathology laboratory.


10-sec specimen preparation

Once the specimen is resected, you only need to dip the fresh tissue for 10 sec in a fluorescent dye and rinse it in saline solution before scanning.


50 sec to acquire an image

High-resolution images (2µm) of specimens up to 2.6in² in 50 seconds. Images are available at the point of care.


Enabling digital workflow

Users can use the touchscreen for image navigation, as well as annotate and export images in various formats.


Breast biopsies

  • Elfgen, C., Papassotiropoulos, B., Varga, Z., Moskovszky, L., Nap, M., Güth, U., Baege, A., Amann, E., Chiesa, F., & Tausch, C. (2019). Comparative analysis of confocal microscopy on fresh breast core needle biopsies and conventional histology(Diagn Pathol (2019) 14:58 DOI: 10.1186/s13000-019-0835-z). Diagnostic Pathology, 14(1), 1–8.

Breast Conserving surgery

  • Sandor, M. F., Schwalbach, B., Hofmann, V., Istrate, S. E., Schuller, Z., Ionescu, E., Heimann, S., Ragazzi, M., & Lux, M. P. (2022). Imaging of lumpectomy surface with large field-of-view confocal laser scanning microscope for intraoperative margin assessment - POLARHIS study. Breast, 66(June), 118–125.

  • Togawa, R., Hederer, J., Ragazzi, M., Bruckner, T., Fastner, S., Gomez, C., Hennigs, A., Nees, J., Pfob, A., Riedel, F., Schäfgen, B., Stieber, A., Lux, M. P., Heil, J., & Golatta, M. (2023). Imaging of lumpectomy surface with large field-of-view confocal laser scanning microscopy ‘Histolog® scanner’ for breast margin assessment in comparison with conventional specimen radiography. Breast, 68(February), 194–200.

  • Angelica Conversano, Muriel Abbaci, Paul van Diest, Aurélie Roulot, Giuseppe Falco, Malek Ferchiou, Saverio Coiro, Milan Richir, Pierre-Michel Genolet, Carine Clement, Odile Casiraghi, Aicha Ben Lahkdar, Nizard Labaied, Moira Ragazzi, Marie-Christine Mathieu, Breast carcinoma detection in ex vivo fresh human breast surgical specimens using a fast slide-free confocal microscopy scanner: HIBISCUSS project, BJS Open, Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2023, zrad046,

Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy

  • Baas, D. J. H., Vreuls, W., Sedelaar, J. P. M., Vrijhof, H. J. E. J., Hoekstra, R. J., Zomer, S. F., van Leenders, G. J. L. H., van Basten, J. P. A., & Somford, D. M. (2022). Confocal laser microscopy for assessment of surgical margins during radical prostatectomy. BJU International, 1–7.

Dermatology – Mohs surgery

  • Grizzetti, L., & Kuonen, F. (2022). Ex vivo confocal microscopy for surgical margin assessment: A histology‐compared study on 109 specimens. Skin Health and Disease, September 2021, 1–8.

  • Kechrid, N., Tonellotto, L., Monnier, S., Rossi, S. A., Ulrich, F., & Kuonen, F. (2022). Ex vivo confocal microscopy for the intraoperative assessment of deep margins in giant basal cell carcinoma. JAAD Case Reports, 27, 41–45.

  • Peters, N., Schubert, M., Metzler, G., Geppert, J. P., & Moehrle, M. (2019). Diagnostic accuracy of a new ex vivo confocal laser scanning microscope compared to H&E-stained paraffin slides for micrographic surgery of basal cell carcinoma. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 33(2), 298–304.


  • AH Nguyen, M Algoe, M Nap, FJ van Kemenade (2023). Selection of FFPE blocks with confocal microscope to reduce routine workload in pathology department. IJCIMR ISSN 2771-6309. DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2023.04.001150